My flat has mice. Or rats. Something scrabbly and squeaky anyway. Am not especially comfortable with this fact.
Michael Nolan commented on Jenny Barrett’s Wall post.: "I told the parentals!"
The real story about Jimmy Carr is not his moral repugnance, but how he’s a poster boy for a certain type of humourless, spiteful sniggerer.
Hey guys! Do you like to keep fit? Enjoy that feel-good glow when you do nice things? Come for a run this Sunday then!
Simon Martinez-Coates likes your link.
Feeling ranty as I’m still in work. Will resist urge, & offer up this instead: Ask yourself if you treat your IT staff with enough respect.
Micky Dunne posted in ‘LOVE & DEATH….’ LAUNCH PARTY.
Back in the day, twitter going down was just a daily routine, complete with fail whale. Now it’s an international news event?
Steve Sparrow Oalv shared your link.
Introducing a paradigm shift for Liverpool: Exercise + Community = The Good Gym @tggliverpool
Watching the film Drive, that everyone was raving about last year. It’s absolutely aces, maybe even more Lynchian than Mullholland Drive!
Checked in at Lark Lane Market
*sigh* the Gentle French Lady at the farmers market always makes me feel so safe and comfortable and fully stocked with bread products
Moneybox Live championing the rights of consumers to be dumb idiots again. Perhaps people should learn how to use the Internet properly?
Dan Lynch posted in 20lb Sounds Live @ The Zanzibar: "Looking forward to tonight. It’s gonna be good :)"
Excited about launch of The Good Gym (Liverpool branch) tomorrow, you should all come along, 11.30 at the cafe, Sefton Park @tggliverpool
RT @alaindebotton: One can’t fail to despair at the merest suggestion to ‘cheer up’. Invitations to wallow and indulge are the only huma …
Oh oh oh, put radio 4 on everyone, #thearchers omnibus is on, the hilarious denouement between Amy and Carl is about to happen!!!
RT @NicholasPegg: I don’t suppose there’s any chance of Amy getting stampeded by the bullocks? #thearchers
From #thearchers to the main business of the day, @tggliverpool! Half an hour to go, get yourselves down to the cafe in Sefton Park!
RT @tggliverpool: Well, that was fun! We ran further than some of us have done in a *long* time, and helped clean up Princes Park too.
Simon Martinez-Coates commented on your status.: "He needs to reflect upon the error of his ways…"
Kyla Tomlinson likes your comment: "The guy’s in his 40s, married with…"
Kevin Saunderson likes your status.
Beth Edmondson likes your comment: "One of the neighbours caught him and…"
Wondering if @FestivalGardens have published opening hours anywhere yet. Seen the photos, and looks the perfect spot for marathon training!
Bloody hell, BBC taking the suggestion to lower supporters’ expectations a little too far here!
If the Euros has done anything for England, it’s cemented Alan Shearer’s place at the very bottom of the pile in the football pundit stakes
In other news, has the woman reading the news got scousebrow?
Simon Martinez-Coates likes your status.
Peter Bull and Simon Martinez-Coates commented on your status.
Simon Martinez-Coates likes your comment: "That is to say, I’m gonna write some…"
Simon Martinez-Coates likes your status.
Why does the apple press core make such a big fuss over the degree of retinaness things have? It’s just a higher resolution screen!
The Merseyside Skeptics Society posted in Professor David Nutt: The Struggle for Evidence-Based Policy: "If you’re planning to come, please share a link…"
Shared @AlexNolan
Sophie Green has invited you to like her page Tartmeuk.
Ann Carrington posted on your timeline.
Shared 2 links.
Toni Verburg commented on your link.: "Got ur clogs on?"