
Weekly Digest for June 27th

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My flat has mice. Or rats. Something scrabbly and squeaky anyway. Am not especially comfortable with this fact.
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Michael Nolan commented on Jenny Barrett’s Wall post.: "I told the parentals!"
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The real story about Jimmy Carr is not his moral repugnance, but how he’s a poster boy for a certain type of humourless, spiteful sniggerer.
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Hey guys! Do you like to keep fit? Enjoy that feel-good glow when you do nice things? Come for a run this Sunday then!
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Simon Martinez-Coates likes your link.
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Feeling ranty as I’m still in work. Will resist urge, & offer up this instead: Ask yourself if you treat your IT staff with enough respect.
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Micky Dunne posted in ‘LOVE & DEATH….’ LAUNCH PARTY.
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Back in the day, twitter going down was just a daily routine, complete with fail whale. Now it’s an international news event?
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Steve Sparrow Oalv shared your link.
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Introducing a paradigm shift for Liverpool: Exercise + Community = The Good Gym @tggliverpool
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Watching the film Drive, that everyone was raving about last year. It’s absolutely aces, maybe even more Lynchian than Mullholland Drive!
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Checked in at Lark Lane Market
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*sigh* the Gentle French Lady at the farmers market always makes me feel so safe and comfortable and fully stocked with bread products
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Moneybox Live championing the rights of consumers to be dumb idiots again. Perhaps people should learn how to use the Internet properly?
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Dan Lynch posted in 20lb Sounds Live @ The Zanzibar: "Looking forward to tonight. It’s gonna be good :)"
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Excited about launch of The Good Gym (Liverpool branch) tomorrow, you should all come along, 11.30 at the cafe, Sefton Park @tggliverpool
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RT @alaindebotton: One can’t fail to despair at the merest suggestion to ‘cheer up’. Invitations to wallow and indulge are the only huma …
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Oh oh oh, put radio 4 on everyone, #thearchers omnibus is on, the hilarious denouement between Amy and Carl is about to happen!!!
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RT @NicholasPegg: I don’t suppose there’s any chance of Amy getting stampeded by the bullocks? #thearchers
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From #thearchers to the main business of the day, @tggliverpool! Half an hour to go, get yourselves down to the cafe in Sefton Park!
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RT @tggliverpool: Well, that was fun! We ran further than some of us have done in a *long* time, and helped clean up Princes Park too.
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Simon Martinez-Coates commented on your status.: "He needs to reflect upon the error of his ways…"
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Kyla Tomlinson likes your comment: "The guy’s in his 40s, married with…"
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Kevin Saunderson likes your status.
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Beth Edmondson likes your comment: "One of the neighbours caught him and…"
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Wondering if @FestivalGardens have published opening hours anywhere yet. Seen the photos, and looks the perfect spot for marathon training!
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Bloody hell, BBC taking the suggestion to lower supporters’ expectations a little too far here!
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If the Euros has done anything for England, it’s cemented Alan Shearer’s place at the very bottom of the pile in the football pundit stakes
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In other news, has the woman reading the news got scousebrow?
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Simon Martinez-Coates likes your status.
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Peter Bull and Simon Martinez-Coates commented on your status.
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Simon Martinez-Coates likes your comment: "That is to say, I’m gonna write some…"
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Simon Martinez-Coates likes your status.
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Why does the apple press core make such a big fuss over the degree of retinaness things have? It’s just a higher resolution screen!
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The Merseyside Skeptics Society posted in Professor David Nutt: The Struggle for Evidence-Based Policy: "If you’re planning to come, please share a link…"
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Sophie Green has invited you to like her page Tartmeuk.
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Ann Carrington posted on your timeline.
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Shared 2 links.
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Toni Verburg commented on your link.: "Got ur clogs on?"