
Weekly Digest for March 14th

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My half marathon training is going very well, but I’m really feeling the pain every morning!
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So….just turned half five, and I’ve accidentally set a report running that takes a couple of hours instead of scheduling it. #awwcrap
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So what the hell is going on with music venues in Liverpool these days? Every time I go some place, I guarantee it’ll be shut within a week!
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Off to make things at #makerday! I has 2 bags o tech!
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Excellent #makerday today, made a PlayStation Eye camera attached to a pc id and track a PS Move controller to cause a ripple effect!
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RT @alaindebotton: The challenge for a human now is to be more interesting to another than his or her smartphone.
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RT @alaindebotton: True love is a lack of desire to check one’s smartphone in another’s presence.
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I know some people say they’ve had bad customer service from Three, but in my experience they’ve been consistently excellent!
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This lunchtime I ran 4 laps of Sefton Park! Think that just about puts me on target for the half marathon next weekend! #couchtohalfin22days
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#gec2012 week is starting well with a lively round table discussion with female entrepreneurs on #r4womanshour
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Gemma Knight has invited you to like her page Vendetta Vixens.
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Just remembered a dream I had the other night. Alvin Hall gave me a tour of Jabba the Hutt’s lair, whilst Boba Fett served nibbles. Very odd
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Michael Nolan changed the date of a photo you are tagged in.
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Has that Homeland got every awesome actor ever in it or something? Yes, even Mandy Patinkin -Dr Geoffrey Geiger himself! Oh and Clare Danes!
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#r4today John Humphries: "And the weather: dull." Evan Davies: "That it?" JH: "Yep." The nation performs a collective double-take.
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Not going to make it to #leanliverpool #gec2012 fringe event this evening as I’m absolutely exhausted and have a full diary. Another time!
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Just received a Cooler Master Notepal U2 fan-assisted laptop cooler in the post. Design and build quality is second to none. #mynewfavething
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Yvonne Simmans mentioned you in a comment: "Why are u not drinking coffee Alex…"
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LoveFilm sent me Treme series 1 in the post! ‘The Wire’ it ain’t, but it does bring something new to TV: compulsory living room dancing!