
Weekly Digest for February 15th

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My electricity’s gone off!!! I hear alarums in the distance!!! Has the end of the world finally arrived?!?!
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TBH for the end of the world, there’s a surprisingly good mobile phone signal
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Gonna boycott another Subway. This one’s due to rudeness and stupid questions. #boycottsubway
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New Tweetbot for iPad app’s just joined my list of essential Twitter clients, along with the iPhone version and Tweetdeck 0.38.2 on PC.
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Off over to #Threshold12. Was decent last year…
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#threshold12 acoustic and soul stages both of a very high quality this afternoon!
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Some absolutely fantastic bands & singers at #threshold12 today, and excellent coffee from @ElevatorStudios and @boldstcoffee. Back later.
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Oh good, what we’ll call the ‘Pillbox’ stage is running a bit behind so I’ve not missed Tibi and her Cello at #threshold12
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Toni Verburg likes your status.
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Emma McLean commented on your status update.
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Peter Bull likes your photo.
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Ok that’ll probably do for all day gigging for today. Excellent event, needs to be better promoted, though understandable given the CUC shut
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RT @7streets: #threshold12 officially great today. Too many highlights to mention – it’s an ambitious grassroots festival we should all …
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Dan Lynch wrote on the Wall for 20lb Sounds @ The Zanzibar – Part deux!
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Interesting. My work are sponsoring GEC. How to lever this for maximum awesomeness….
facebook (feed #3) Manchester: Grafton Street has new activity: 2 likes and 41 views.
facebook (feed #3) Liverpool: North Western Halls has new activity: 2 likes, Post and 94 views.
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CosmoStudents: Tramways has new activity: Post, Comment and 63 views.
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Cosmo Students has new activity: Like, Post, Comment and 1,214 views.
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Kel Harris likes your status.
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Peter Bull commented on your status update.
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Emma McLean likes your comment: "My flat’s like a food kitchen for…"
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Beth Edmondson likes your comment: "Erm me neither actually, that sounds…"