
Weekly Digest for December 7th

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Today is going to be interesting for many reasons!
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Elizabeth Blamires also commented on Alan Nolan’s post.
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RT @crystalski: Aldi launches their skiwear range today – jackets from £24.99: >> Might have to pay a visit!
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Oh wow, kites are extremely cool! Arduino kites plz makerpeeps #igniteliv
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#igniteliv Interested in online study? Flyer: Sign up: Study Groups:
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John McKerrell and Regular Beat like your link.
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Regular Beat shared a link on your Wall.
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Best place in the world (@ Keith’s Wine Bar)
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Kevin Harvey also commented on his status.
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Santa Dash time!!!
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What does a Santa do after a hard dash? He pops down to Pret, and sits cross-legged to hide his ripped pants!
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Simon Martinez-Coates likes your photo.
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There’s a Santa driving round Liverpool One at breakneck speed on a shop mobility scooter! So fast in fact I couldn’t get a photo off!
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People-watching from my Grotto as Santa is brill. Just seen a woman wearing a hat with cat ears & scarf-like side bits with hand pockets!
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Toni Verburg commented on your photo.
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Free Laura Marling compilation album including live tracks in the Observer today? Nice.
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Simon Martinez-Coates likes your link.
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Beth Edmondson likes your comment: "I don’t know if you can see it clearly…"
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Mandy Phillips likes your link.
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Rosie Trouble-Harris also commented on Beth Edmondson’s status.
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Beth Edmondson likes your comment: "ProTip: don’t necessarily listen to…"
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Beth Edmondson likes your comment: "No no, your tips so far have been very…"
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Coworkers are claiming that toast scrapes away the infection if you have a sore throat. That’s some weird science they learnt at school.
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EU Press Conference: How come Sarkozy looks taller than Merkel on the podiums from front on, but shorter from the side???
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Having a Schrödinger moment. Once I arrive in work, I will either have a new boss, or I won’t. But until I do, they are simply a waveform.
facebook (feed #3) Birmingham: Bagot Street has new activity: 29 likes and 322 views.
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Toni Verburg likes your status.
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Ha! In your face, Sarah Montague! The power of scientific method trumps your media hype! #stemcells @BBCr4today #iwatchedyugiohlastnight