
My So-called Life (August 24th)

August 24th –

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Checked in at Yo Sushi
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Bus just drove straight past me, been waiting 15 mins! Fuck you Arriva, I’d rather walk home than give you my £1.70 now!
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Ok The Deep just got so bad I had to turn it off. Not done that to a TV show for a long time.
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Can’t sleep.When I try,I have nightmares where everyone takes maternity/paternity leave from life simultaneously,leaving me to run the world
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One nightmare last night: I was at a wedding, no one was paying attention, they were all looking after babies! I had to do the speeches!
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In another one David Cameron was on paternity leave, so I stepped in, looked around and all the cabinet members were babies in prams!
lastfm (feed #15)
Listened to 12 songs.
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Clearing today, busy day for me as property managers around the country call me up in tears as the computer systems go down under the strain
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Emma Louise Walsh commented on your status.
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Peter Bull commented on your status.
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Emma Louise Walsh commented on your status.
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Making a concerted effort this week to listen to some new (to me) bands. Faves so far: She Keeps Bees, Darwin Deez & Sleigh Bells.
lastfm (feed #15)
Listened to 36 songs.
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Neil Morrin made you an administrator of the Page "How? Why? DIY".
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Oh my word, the weather! Hope I’ll be safe getting to work, have got major software upgrades to do in an hour’s time!
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Apparently Gillian Anderson is filming for a period drama in Catherine Street right now
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Installing Lotus Smartsuite ’97 for our Finance Director. Social Housing is *that* cutting edge.
lastfm (feed #15)
Listened to 57 songs.
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Watching classic 4later mashup show ‘The Trip’ on YouTube curtesy of user pidger. Mind-bending stuff. It’s 1999 all over again 🙂
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Listened to 3 songs.
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Many workshops and techie gubbinses going on at How Why DIY? today at the Nerve Centre (@ Old Rapid Hardware Building w/ @mikenolan @mcknut)
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Off work to study and feeling fairly productive today, but strangely unable to mind control passers-by into bringing me fresh coffee
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#eastenders lol wut?
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Dodgy scouser on Dragon’s Den should be in jail, not business!
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TV is putting me off my 69 page passport service report, Grandma’s House is getting deliciously dysfunctional now 🙂