
My So-called Life (May 16th)

May 16th –

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Thinking of preordering an iPad today, any thoughts on which to get? 32Gb wifi only seems a good price point – cheaper than Europe!
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Was just watching the very funny ‘Yu-gi-oh abridged’ on the bus…until I realised that passengers would think it was the regular version!
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Not impressed by the operators’ iPad 3G data package offerings, so should I go with 16 or 32Gb wi-fi? Decisions decisions…
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Light Night is looking pretty special for Friday. Will definitely be watching the amazing Deadbelgian at the Walker
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RT @charltonbrooker: Longer, even bitchier version of the Boulton / Campbell yellfest; worth watching to the end: ( …
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John Reid & Diane Abbott were just on News 24 throwing a very wet blanket on Mandelson’s Lib-Lab coallition. Such high drama!
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Anyone wanna hit the slopes with me this weekend @chill_factore ?
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My net connection is poorly. Have set up hotspot tethering with MyWi, seems to work pretty well actually.
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May be down to #lpooltwup later, got an event round the corner first
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How is #livtwup going? I’ll be there fairly shortly as the ‘entertainment’ at this other event is terrible kareoke
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My #lightnight itinerary: walker, liv art prize preview, bluecoat, biennial, fact, rockscape, st lukes, back to walker. shame i’ll miss leaf
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Checked in at walker art gallery
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#lightnight at the walker with dances with statues and deadbelgian (@ walker art gallery)
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Checked in at The Bluecoat
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RT @endofshow: FlashForward staff confirm to us show is cancelled >> 🙁
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Checked in at The Bluecoat
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Checked in at Rockscape
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Il mattino ha l’oro in bocca is worth a look for anyone on #lightnight. Entrance via New Bird Street, not Jordan Street as publicised.
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Back at the Walker for the second set by the fantastic DeadBelgian, thank god they’ve moved to somewhere more accustically resonant!
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Checked in at walker art gallery
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Checked in at Chill Factore
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Checked in at Chill Factor(e)"
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