
My So-called Life (August 23rd)

August 23rd –

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RT @PlayStationEU: Stick with us (and the techno) the press conference should be starting very soon
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Tweeting the Sony GamesCom conference via @AxelNanol
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Twilight makes no sense, does it! None at all! It’s very angsty though.
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.@davecoveney OU costs are going up substantially from next year for new students so important to start sooner rather than later.
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Wedding present ideas required for well to do wedding reception in that London on Saturday. I’m so bad at these things.
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Checked in at John Lewis
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RT @deadbelgian: deadbelgian will release debut album
on regular beat. Christmas / New Year timescale….

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Aigburth Road now has a scooter shop! Why have I only just heard of this?!?! If I only had somewhere to keep one…
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Shared 4 links.
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Just watched the final 2 eps of Angry Boys again. They’re a masterclass in how to conclude a tv show; funny, terribly sad and full of hope.
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Checked in at Marantos
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Pub Quiz! (@ Marantos)
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Ok. Seriously. Poor performance at the marantos quiz here. 2nd to last. Won the raffle wine though. Requesting twitter reinforcements!!!
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Shared 5 links.
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In London catching up with old friends. It’s a cliche but 10 years in the city has hardened some of them, they’ve lost a lot their spark.
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"Being a dickhead’s cool!"
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Train disruptions. Tell you what, the Glaswegians like to pick up a sprint when they see their train called!
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Did someone say earlier that #makernight is taking place tonight? @DoESLiverpool
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RT @alaindebotton: The closer one comes to the tops of organisations, the more one sees the overall goals are fundamentally up in the air.
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RT @VacantiMouse: stuck in coding. Going dark >> was thinking exactly the same thing myself!