
My So-called Life (July 5th)

July 5th –

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Fish Networking. Really good actually! (@ Host)
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Checked in at Host
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Take away a kebab’s donner meat and it looks kind of pathetic 🙁
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: sauļojos, pārāk liels slinkums kaut ko darīt - moš šodien arī nebraukšu uz rīgu. bet nu jā,kāds varētu atvest alu.
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Checked in at Jamies Italian
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Shared 3 photos.
: El viejo : @FedericoArreola me recordo al niño q decia: mira mama mira mira mama... :
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Getting as many visits as possible in while it’s still around (@ Everyman Theatre and Bistro)
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Fascinating debate about the Passport Office redundancies in the House of Commons yesterday raised by Louise Ellman
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Quiet Friday evening so hacked some WordPress. Pretty much ready to go live now! Thanks to @sanchothefat and @tarendai for tips last night!
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Just been trying out my new Stellar Art Deco 10 cup cafetiére what @MikeNolan bought me for my birthday last month. The verdict: it’s brill!
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Checked in at Everyman Theatre
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Shared 2 links.
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Checked in at Brew Tea Shop
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Last visit ev to the ev! (@ Everyman Theatre and Bistro)
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Checked in at Rockerfellas
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Checked in at Tatton Park
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Masterful interview about the role of science by Justin Webb on @bbcr4today, he’s really improved since he’s softened his tone a fraction
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Wailing & gnashing teeth at awful intranet software yet again. Constantly find myself defending the indefensible, to save other people face.