
My So-called Life (May 10th)

May 10th –

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RT @AppAdvice: An app that reaches out to educate autistic people about technology
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Excellent, Stewart Lee, the world’s most meta standup, is on TV this evening.
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The local dude on the election night coverage here in Liverpool has no qualms about airing dirty councillor laundry live on the BBC!
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Sarah At Fact invited you to the event "Flunconference".
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Hiren Gandhi invited you to the event "Enable Panel Meeting".
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Slow day at work today, much needed after the past few hectic weeks!
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Checked in at Starbucks
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Checked in at ASK Restaurant
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Checked in at L3 Living
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Today I am mostly searching for KML files for UK Universities. Finding many other interesting things as well!!!
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Looking for IPTV set top box solution (no antenna available!) pref with extra passthrough RJ45. Any thoughts twitter? @methoddan perhaps?
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Discovered AeroSnap for XP & Vista this morning. Allows you to snap windows to left & right like in Win7. Best productivity booster ever.
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Shared 2 links.
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Just been completely drenched by a passing car. They did it on purpose! Not happy.
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RT @MariaBarrett: ‘76% of parents want more control on their home PCs’? 76% of parents need to learn how to use their computers.
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Sarah At Fact invited you to the event "Young Hearts Run Free and Q&A".