May 10th –
RT @AppAdvice: An app that reaches out to educate autistic people about technology
Excellent, Stewart Lee, the world’s most meta standup, is on TV this evening.
Shared the baguette is a lie.
The local dude on the election night coverage here in Liverpool has no qualms about airing dirty councillor laundry live on the BBC!
Sarah At Fact invited you to the event "Flunconference".
Hiren Gandhi invited you to the event "Enable Panel Meeting".
Slow day at work today, much needed after the past few hectic weeks!
Checked in at Starbucks
Checked in at ASK Restaurant
Checked in at L3 Living
Today I am mostly searching for KML files for UK Universities. Finding many other interesting things as well!!!
Looking for IPTV set top box solution (no antenna available!) pref with extra passthrough RJ45. Any thoughts twitter? @methoddan perhaps?
Discovered AeroSnap for XP & Vista this morning. Allows you to snap windows to left & right like in Win7. Best productivity booster ever.
Shared 2 links.
Just been completely drenched by a passing car. They did it on purpose! Not happy.
RT @MariaBarrett: ‘76% of parents want more control on their home PCs’? 76% of parents need to learn how to use their computers.
Sarah At Fact invited you to the event "Young Hearts Run Free and Q&A".