
My So-called Life (August 10th)

August 10th –

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iPhone’s in an infinite loop. Another night of restores for me, what joy!
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You lucky twitter followers get a sneak peak at what’s in store tomorrow night #igniteliv
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BBC One, Disturbia, wow, dude’s gotta bat and he means to use it!
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Well I tried very hard without, but sadly I will require notes for my #igniteliv talk, too much to keep in head otherwise. Is that cheating?
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Beth Edmondson tagged a photo of you.
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Alter-ego has had to leave on pressing superhero business, I get to watch the second half of #igniteliv
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Toni Verburg posted Something on your Wall.
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Crying out for coffee this morning, if I don’t get some soon I’m gonna die. Hurry up bus!
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Don’t normally do #FollowFriday but props to #igniteliv 3 behind the scenes legends @methoddan @amcewen @franticuk @defnetmedia missed ne1?
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Not sure it’s been explicitly tweeted yet, but as well as the extensive blog post, #igniteliv is on page 9 of the Daily Post today
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Checked in at Ship and Mitre
foursquare (feed #16)
Checked in at Vernon Arms
foursquare (feed #16)
Checked in at Thomas Rigby’s
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My broadband is down again. This is getting ridiculous now.
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Gah, lots to do but it’s quite dangerous to work on an empty stomach, people might get hurt. To the Batmobile, let’s shop!
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Checked in at Oomoo
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Anyone know if slideshare’s embedded player can be configured to add speaker notes below each slide?
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Oh bastards, just banged my head on an archway in oomoo so hard I can’t walk straight!, man that hurt!
lastfm (feed #15)
Listened to 3 songs.
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RT @MikeNolan: OH in office: "As a general rule, everything @stedaniels says is bollocks" <<< true dat.
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Is the crazy druggy teacher from Pulling in #eastenders now? I love a good crossover, a few months ago it was Karl dating Ronnie.
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Shared MaxBounty.