April 18th –
This is becoming a regular slot on my Twitter account, yes, it’s the latest edition of Curry Life! (@ Red Fort) http://twitpic.com/1ex10t
Just watched 3:10 to Yuma. Reaffirms my belief that Westerns are the purest genre film. That doctor’s actor died in Firefly too, poor guy.
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Wish there was an edited version of Eastenders with all the cringeworthy bits cut out!
Christ Dot, show a bit of tact!!! #eastenders
The hell?!?! #thisweek intro very odd http://twitpic.com/1f6hnf
Opera Mini for iPhone’s finally out – clearer display on some sites than Safatr, but counter-intuitive for some actions (eg pinch)
RT @guardiantech: Spotify slammed by songwriters http://bit.ly/cQSPod
Checked in at Tesco Allerton Road
I confess I’ve never once seen their work, but I simply cannot tell whether @planetjedward is for real or so tongue-in-cheek it’s funny
Bluejumperguy talking a lot of sense on #newsnight. I’ll have what the Tories are smoking, maybe I’ll spot legions of charitable volunteers
On study leave this week, but have spent over 6 hours crushing the proles underfoot anyway. A necessary evil, gotta show them BB is watching
Liked iggy investigates an ipad.
Shared iggy investigates an ipad.
Barbie Nolan commented on your Post.
Barbie Nolan commented on your Post.
Barbie Nolan commented on your Post.
Interesting collection of bands on at Leaf after #igniteliv tomorrow night, met Ragz last year, lovely lady. http://bit.ly/9xgY0L
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Sneaking out the door early to get over to #igniteliv – Human Resources are on the prowl so this requires Ninjaskillz!
I can now say with certainty of empirical evidence that Dominos Allerton are a pack of thieves! Overcharge again and I’ll call the cops!
I rarely have a bad word to say about Apple, but censorship of satire followed by a u-turn when it wins an award? http://bit.ly/bwHm0T
RT @minapop Korova is on fire… Hope Street, Liverpool http://tweetphoto.com/18769512
RT @runpaintrunrun: Fire at Korova? I blame volcanic ash!
Not impressed with this dalek episode of #doctorwho so far, very hammy!
Use the force Danny Boy! #doctorwho The TARDIS can do the Kepple run in under 9 parsecs!
That should of course been the Kessel run and 12 parsecs. Anyone get the impression they filmed this one before the rest? #doctorwho
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Published links for 2010-04-17.
The editors of Digital Spy have got out of bed the wrong side this morning, my Google Reader is chock full of bitchy articles!