
WordPress Login Widget for 2.2+

I’m sure King Widgets are really good and all, but I just can’t get them working on the WordPress 2.2+ SVN (they refer to functions that no longer seem to exist) so here’s a quick hack of FPLogin which does just enough. The author was a bit OTT with line breaks etc so I’ve got rid of a bit of the junk to make it more minimalist.  It’s not perfect, but if you don’t want to use the Meta widget it works as a good replacement.

You can get it here:

WordPress Login Widget for 2.2+

4 replies on “WordPress Login Widget for 2.2+”

I really liked this plugin. The meta widget sucks, and nobody has really made a replacement.

Here is a modified version I just whipped up that displays the two links that the meta has. I don’t know a whole lot about making widgets I really just found the part where stuff was output to the page and replaced it. Adding the ul and li around things really helps things look better and work well in different themes. If you update your widget again or have comments please e-mail me.

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